Making most of the waste ban

High and dry in Gasa for vendors

Many vendors, who have come to Gasa tshechu to sell goods with high...

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Strong winds have hampered efforts to douse a major forest fire...

Allowance for mother and child health from August 

To improve the health of mother and child in the country,...

No more lull in Lull village 

In 2013, Tashi Bidha, 51, was the lone farmer living in...

ACC releases two suspects in Toorsa case 

The proprietor of Rigsar Construction and former Phuentsholing thromde’s executive secretary...

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 Vendors pack their goods to be taken to Paro tshechu after...

Five trucks, 17 blue books?

In what Thimphu police describes as “first of its kind,” two...

GNH – a practical development concept

The United Nations admire the progress Bhutan has made with Gross...

PM advises people to reduce rice consumption 

Against the backdrop of the prime minister’s office replacing fried refreshments...

Gasa tsachu churns out Nu 1.8M annually

The 2009 flood that damaged the Gasa tsachu (hot spring) has...

12 garbage trucks of waste collected from Baelangdra

About 12 garbage trucks of waste were collected yesterday from the...

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Bhutan Kidney Foundation observed world kidney day with the local leaders,...
