Can Hindus in Bhutan do better?

One man’s view on why Hindus in Bhutan are becoming an embarrassment to themselves, and why the Hindu Dharma Samudaya must aim to cultivate a ‘one Hindu’ community Generally, I strictly avoid both private and public meddling in the matters of religion because I consider myself too secular to dig its petty politics. But then, […]

Australian dream: Not all about money or leaving the system

In 1996, when I was selected to study medicine in Myanmar,...

Searching for Development

As we go through the fog of modernity, confused by threats...

Community sustainability at high risk: JICA survey

JICA has been working for long with the Royal Government of...

Smart phones, new media, and ignorant users

Whether you live in cities or in a rural Bhutanese village,...

Dasho Wangchen

Aum Sangay Choden was in labour that night. Fire broke out...

Small Nations, Big Lessons

The story of Asia today remains very much one driven by...

Healthy soil, healthy waters and healthy food

Is Bhutan trapped by aid-driven climate smart agriculture talking only about...

What’s unsocial about social media in Bhutan?

Social media can be a beautiful angel or an unruly beast...

His Majesty The King grants a valuable postal collection to the Bhutan Post Museum

The history of the philatelic and communications systems in Bhutan received...

The flying BEAR

Of the myriad events that rose to the occasion to commemorate...

Forms of Address

“There is no such thing as surname or family name in...

Trhuebab, the descent of blessed water

The Trhuebab (ཁྲུས་བབ་) festival is an important cultural event in Bhutan,...
