Urgent measures needed to curb rising road accidents

The alarming surge in road accidents in the country demands immediate...

India announces 15B INR concessional loan for GyalSung Project

The Government of India (GoI) has announced a concessional loan of...

New Covid variant detected in five dzongkhags

The Royal Centre for Disease Control (RCDC), has detected a separate...

Growth declines despite economic recovery

The country’s economic growth is projected to slow down, dropping below...

Did teacher attrition affect board exams?

When the media reported 338 teachers with 10 years’ experience or...

Reforms to revive a crumbling system in 2024

In the past year, Bhutan's justice system has grappled with significant...

Bhutan to adopt inquiry-based and explorative learning

The country is set to embrace inquiry-based and explorative learning, a...

Internet in Bhutan is more expensive than rent in the UK

Our country is extraordinarily affordable to live in compared to any...

Guardians of the river: Tandin Wangmo’s quest to save the Golden Mahseer

The locals are gathered for a Tongba session, seated around a...

From open defecation free to transforming lives

Tul Bahadur Bishwa’s face breaks into a smile as he studies...

Advancing green revolution with Mass Timber

In a strategic move to revolutionise the building sector, the Department...

Prevention, we know is better than cure

With the Royal Centre for Disease Control (RCDC) detecting the JN.1...

Telcos mindful of connectivity in Ge-SAR

If connectivity is key to the Gelephu Mindfulness City, as a...
