Bhutan shows the way

To quote a proverb from the English speaking world: “Every cloud has a silver lining”. Such wisdom, of course, applies to all aspects of life.

New coronavirus, new opportunities

It is said that within every crisis there is an opportunity....

These are the ways we can help the nation at this time

It is heartening to see the nation come together in the...

Tourists and guides deserve better treatment

The image of a tourist for a long time had been...

Making most of the COVID-19 situation

It is called the deadly virus, the virus that is never...

Coming together to fight the disease is more important

The COVID-19, known previously as novel coronavirus, has now entered the...

Concern? Yes. Caution? Yes. Panic? No.

What we saw yesterday, in Thimphu and some parts of the...

Need to be concerned, not panic

If we can judge the awareness level of the society on...

How must we fix accountability?

We are wont to saying we are good planners but bad...

Choosing our own faith

The ceremony was simple, no match to the significance, when two...

Our last opportunity?

What Bhutan is going through is nothing out of ordinary. Developments...

What pledge?

It is good to remind elected leaders about promises they made...

Making hay while the sun shines 

The demographic statistics, the National Statistics Bureau released, is a big...
