Better one than none

The government’s decision to reduce the property transfer tax, especially on vehicle, is a masterstroke in not only recouping revenue loss, but also plugging the loopholes in our regulations. Thousands of vehicles change hands every now and then. The five percent property tax is holding people from not changing the ownership. Many would choose to […]

Looking beyond

Bhutan has arrived at a time when the country should not...

In agriculture we must invest

Bhutan is an agrarian society. More than half the population depends...

For a safer and enjoyable trip to Bhutan

The government is mulling to impose a green tax of Nu...

Bringing down referral is important for reasons more than one

Referral has been difficult for most Bhutanese. For obvious reasons.  Language...

Managing tourism

Without concrete rules or regulations or a policy, the decision to...

Let’s not panic, but be concerned

Never has fever been looked upon with much suspicions or sneeze...

Tax reforms is more than granting exemptions

When the government was campaigning for power and stated that it...

How Bhutan is looking at tackling coronavirus

The prime minister yesterday met with the representatives from different agencies...

Minding the mines and mineral Bill

The Mines and Minerals Bill 2020, being discussed at the Assembly...

Coronavirus at the doorstep. What are we doing?

We now know a lot more about coronavirus. Each new day...

Banning licence not a good solution

In an effort to curb mushrooming of bars and access to...

Are we talking too loud?

Where Bhutan is doing pretty damn poorly is visible. Where it...
