Declining commercial poultry farms in Sarpang raises sustainability concerns

The establishment of commercial poultry farms in Sarpang witnessed a significant decline over the years, indicating a challenging period for local poultry farmers. This downward trend has sparked concerns about the long-term sustainability of the industry.

Landfill needs electrification and proper fencing

The landfill at Laptshakha in Omtekha Chiwog of Lingmukha Gewog in...

NA supports Pay Bill 2023

With the majority of National Assembly members supporting the Pay Revision...

NC committee recommends customising inflation parameters

The Economic Affairs Committee (EAC) of the National Council recommended changing...

Litterers fined after social media used to identify them 

The Department of Environment & Climate Change has begun surveying CCTV...

Better opportunities for SEN students: MoESD

The Special Education Needs (SEN) students can now pursue higher education...

MPs press for strong education policy

Members of the National Assembly yesterday voiced their dissatisfaction with the...

Work-Life Balance: A Struggle for Working Parents

Finding balance in the chaos of corporate life can be a...

Bhutan losing health professionals at 4.4 percent

Despite recent talks about pay hikes, Bhutan continues to witness an...

Addressing patient referral challenges and healthcare services

In the National Assembly yesterday, Minister for Health, Dechen Wangmo, said...

Parents find daycare better than in-home childcare

Many parents in Sarpang said that a daycare centre has helped...

Small bag, big problems

The plastic pouch to hold doma khamto (ready-made doma) is small, 13.5cm X 10cm...

Bhutan to buy two new helicopters next year

Drukair Corporation has placed orders for two H130 Airbus helicopters and...
