An eventful year for Parliament

Even though Parliament saw relatively less activities due to the pandemic, it passed a number of important Bills in the two session of the past year.

Rooting out corruption and fixing accountability became the highlight of the year

The Female Ox year will be remembered for the emphasis to...

The Golden yoke of the Ox

Punishing a senior-most justice of the Supreme Court, a dzongkhag Drangpon...

Female Ox year does no good for women and children

With the year starting with the second nationwide lockdown, confining people...

Bhutanese culture in 2021  

The year 2021 witnessed significant developments in the areas of Bhutan’s...

OX year: Dry year for  tourism sector 

As the tourism sector moved forward from a disappointing 2020, the...

Earth sweats as climate agenda take a back seat

The World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) 2021 state of the climate report...

Country embraces alternate renewable energy

Bhutan has huge potential in renewable energy but it imports energy...

The lockdown capital of Bhutan

On the evening of April 16, 2021, when a 10-year-old schoolboy...

RCSC takes major step towards civil service reforms 

For Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC), the Female Iron Ox year...

Thimphu in 2021 had some achievements to count

Despite inconveniences caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, Thimphu saw some changes...

Not much politicking in the year of the Ox

The tenure of the government entered the third year, but the...

A year of elections 

Never were so many elections held in a short period as...
