Imagine Bhutan

To say that we live in disruptive times is an understatement.

With global Covid-19 case loads and fatalities increasing daily, Bhutan is confronting this pandemic that threatens the world as never before.

Consumer Protection in Bhutan in the challenging times of Covid-19 Pandemic

Triggered by the novel coronavirus outbreak in the beginning of this...

Written agreements – validity and contradictions

Written contracts are increasingly becoming important with the rise in the...

What Covid-19 is telling us

Covid-19 came to save us, not to destroy us. It came...

Dawn of the Smart Village

We are accustomed to thinking in terms of ‘smart cities’, generally,...

Science and the Internet: the new normal for learning

In early 2019, I stumbled across a post on Reddit which...

How will Covid-19 change Bhutan?

The Covid-19 pandemic is unprecedented in every respect. The International Monetary...

My Covid-19 experience

I  took a look at the world. It was rotting away...

Macroeconomic stabilisation plan in the face of Covid-19 pandemic

His Majesty the King’s address to the nation highlighted the ever-increasing...

I hear my King calling

Bhutan has made great moments in history. Our dzongs, solid and...

DeSuung: A Vision in Realization

In February 2018, a massive forest fire in Paro threatened the...

Media should not be considered government’s mouthpiece

This week, Kuensel editorial titled “Misunderstanding the media” stated that “spokesperson...

How can we get back our fundamental rights from Covid -19?

Covid-19 is bringing a new normal. This pandemic stalled the global...
