Time for a closer look at universal human values

In the past 20 years, our small country has been bombarded with modern influences from television to cell phones, the Internet, celebrities, fashions, superhero models, advertising, and news sound-bites.

A fresh look at the Buddha’s message on Drugpa Tshezhi

Today is Drugpa Tshezhi, the fourth day of the sixth lunar...

Teachers deserve holidays

I have heard from teachers that the nation-wide training of teachers...

Teachers deserve holidays

I have heard from teachers that the nation-wide training of teachers...

Bhutanese youth calling!

On the sidelines of the 23rd Annual Dzongdag Conference (June 21...

Flash floods: Bhutan’s biggest dilemma

As Bhutan braces for yet another torrential monsoon, Gopilal Acharya, explores...

BKP’s view on the stabilization fund

The government’s establishment of the stabilization fund of Nu 100 million...

Constitutional framing or a usual bickering?

The recent public exchange of political salvos between the PDP government...

Naming And Shaming: Freedom Of Media Is Not Absolute

In recent times, media have started publishing photo(s) and details of...

What we have learnt about Bhutan earthquakes in recent years

People’s awareness to earthquake hazard always increases after a big earthquake....

The naive side of language policing in schools

Even as the dust refuses to settle after Parliament’s highly polarised...

The Royal Guests

In 1952, His Majesty Jigme Dorji Wangchuck ascended the Golden Throne...

Monarchy – the Strength of the Past, Present, and Future

After an eight-day visit to Bhutan, Her Imperial Highness Princess Mako...
