The Great Fourth

Since the coronation of the First King in 1907, Bhutan has had five kings. When it came to leadership transition there has never been a glitch. Interestingly, all of our kings ascended the throne when they were young.

A gem of a King

Six decades ago, our nation was blessed with a wealth of...

Heap of Jewels

In 2015, the Parliament carved out 1,356 acres of land in...

Alcohol – The good, the bad and the ugly sides of drinking [Part Four]

Taking the holistic view of a really old habit that just...

Tencholing and Beyond

I don’t have to imagine it any more or form mental...

Alcohol – The good, the bad and the ugly sides of drinking [Part Three]

Taking the holistic view of a really old habit that just...

Policy: A regulatory “Capture of Sorts”

The draft Bhutan Electricity Domestic Policy is a blow to Bhutan...

Promoting healthy ageing is an opportunity, not an obligation

From the foothills of Nepal’s snow-capped Himalayas to the beaches of...

Alcohol – The good, the bad and the ugly sides of drinking [Part Two]

Taking the holistic view of a really old habit that just...

Alcohol – The good, the bad and the ugly sides of drinking [Part One]

Taking the holistic view of a really old habit that just...

Unsocial use of social media – A betrayal of the Royal Trust

Social media is a powerful tool. It can make or break...

The BOiC controversy, what solutions?

The issue of legality
The issue of legality has been raised both...

The Failure of Success

The near-oxymoronic paradox in the title is echoed by the secretary...
